Research and Resources
Futures Without Violence is an organization that helps end the violence that involves women, children, and families internationally. Their headquarters is located at Golden Gate Bridge at San Francisco, they have other offices located at Washington DC, New York, and Boston.
ACT ( Adults and Children Together) is a violence prevention project, their main focus is on adults who are raising children 0-8 years, they provide the kids with positive role models. They have a variety of their offices in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. They are located at Washington DC.
Gun Free Kids this is also a support group by New Yorkers against gun violence, which helps to keep guns away from kids. They are located at Croton Falls New York.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence is a comprehensive source of information for those wanting to educate themselves and help others on the many issues related to domestic violence. Evidence-based and seek to inform providers, advocates and communities on the causes and prevention of gender-based violence.
National Sexual Assault is a telephone hotline terms of service when you’re feeling in need of help someone will answer and listen to you, to your situation. They will help you feel much better.